Milli Vanilli - 80's Cancel Culture, Bike Shorts & Crop Tops


Photo Source - Wikipedia

In this episode… Jen, once again, takes us back to the 80’s and reminds us of a scandal that rocked the music industry back when we were kids. Interestingly enough, she also manages to bring us full circle to present day, as we’ve discovered that some of those 80’s fashion trends we thought were dead & gone have made a fierce comeback. Let’s just say…not everyone’s excited about it, okay?

Like many of you, we remembered Milli Vanilli for their rise to fame, the hit singles that topped the charts, the MTV videos with their enviable dance moves, and sadly, the scandal that would be the end of the group’s musical career. What we couldn’t tell you back then, was how it all went down and why.

Rob and Fab stole many hearts with “Girl you know it’s true” and “Blame it on the Rain” to name a few of their hit songs, but once their secret became public, they were immediately canceled. No-one seemed to care about their story. The music industry, the fans…everyone turned their back on the famous duo.

This week, we may not be talking about murder, but as Jen examines the scandal surrounding Milli Vanilli and helps us take a closer look at the back stories of these two very talented young men, it might just be a well-timed reminder that #cancelculture can have a serious impact on people’s lives and shouldn’t be doled out so callously…or casually.

Jen’s Sources

New York Times



